The Aleut Corporation was established in 1972 under ANCSA. The corporation received a settlement of $19.5 million, and was entitled to 70,789 acres of surface lands and 1.572 million acres of subsurface estate. Voting shares of stock were issued to 3,249 shareholders. Aleut Corporation »»
Aleut Corporation
1154 ViewsKoniag, Incorporated
Koniag, Incorporated has land holdings across the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island and Afognak Island. Koniag’s original share of the ANCSA settlement was $24 million, 800 acres of land and the “subsurface estate” of approximately 900,000 acres.
Koniag was incorporated on June 23, 1972, to manage the land and financial assets on behalf of the corporation’s approximately 3,400 Alutiiq shareholders who originated from the Kodiak Archipelago. Koniag, Incorporated »»
NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (NANA)
NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska) is one of the 13 Regional Native Corporations created as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) passed by Congress and signed into law by President Nixon in 1971. NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (NANA) »»
Sealaska Corporation
Sealaska Corporation has strengthened business with culture since 1972. Sealaska is a Native regional corporation owned by more than 22,000 tribal member shareholders and guided by its traditions of environmental stewardship and positively impacting its communities. It represents the rich heritage of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people. Sealaska Corporation »»
Doyon, Limited
With the land entitlement of 12.5 million acres, Doyon, Limited is the largest private landowner in Alaska and is one of the largest private landowners in North America. Its lands extend from the Brooks Range in the north to the Alaska Range in the south. The Alaska-Canada border is Doyon’s eastern border and the western portion almost reaches the Norton Sound. Doyon, Limited »»