NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (NANA)


NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska) is one of the 13 Regional Native Corporations created as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) passed by Congress and signed into law by President Nixon in 1971.

AddressP.O. Box 49
Kotzebue, AK 99752Native CulturesInupiat

Worldwide Employees 13,000 +
Phone (907) 442-3301 Alaska Employees 3,000 +
www Shareholders 13,500+
Location Northwest Alaska, mostly above the Arctic Circle Original Shareholders 4,700
Land Conveyed Entitled to 2,258,836 acres. 1,374,167 acres of surface estate, and 1,503,365 acres of subsurface estate.

NANA Village Corporations

Northwest Arctic Borough Map

Native Villages and Native Villiage Corporations in the NANA Region:

Community Name Corporation Name
Ambler Ivaisaapaagmit Corporation
Buckland Buckland Nunachiak Corporation
Deering Deering Ipnatchiak Corporation
Kiana Katyaak Corporation
Kivalina Kivalins Sinuakmeut
Kobuk Koovukmeut Inc
Kotzebue Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation
Noatak Noatak Napaaktukmeur Corporation
Noorvik Putoo Corporation
Selawik Akuliuk Inc.
Shungnak Isingnakmeut

All Village Corporations, except Kotzebue, have merged their village assets with NANA Regional Corporation to simplify management of their individual assets.

Leading Causes of Death in the NANA Region

Between 2009-2013,  222 people died in the NANA Region. The top 5 causes of death were:

1) Malignant Neoplasms (46)
2) Diseases of the Heart (40)
3) Unintentional Injuries (34)
4) Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) (16)
5) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (10)