With the land entitlement of 12.5 million acres, Doyon, Limited is the largest private landowner in Alaska and is one of the largest private landowners in North America. Its lands extend from the Brooks Range in the north to the Alaska Range in the south. The Alaska-Canada border is Doyon’s eastern border and the western portion almost reaches the Norton Sound.
Today Doyon has over 18,000 shareholders and its headquarters are located in Fairbanks.
Doyon Drilling is the corporation’s largest subsidiary, producing more than half of the corporation’s revenues. The subsidiary is actively engaged in arctic drilling activity on the North Slope. Doyon is a partner in a gas exploration project in the Nenana Basin and the corporation also holds prospective gas resources in the Yukon Flats.
Doyon’s family of companies provide a wide range of services, including catering, facility maintenance, security, tourism and support for oil, gas and mining construction across Alaska. Doyon also manages real estate assets and has operations in the tourism industry.
Doyon’s mission is to continually enhance its position as a financially strong Native corporation in order to promote the economic and social well being of its shareholders and future shareholders, to strengthen the Native way of life, and to protect and enhance its land and resources.
Native Villages and Native Corporations in the Doyon Region:
Community Name | Corporation Name |
Alatna | K’oyitl’ots’na Limited |
Allakaket | K’oyitl’ots’na Limited |
Anvik | Ingalik Inc. |
Beaver | Beaver Kwit’Chin Corporation |
Birch Creek | Tihteet’aii Inc. |
Birch Creek/Kantishna | Neechootaalichaagat Corporation |
Canyon Village | Kian Tr’ee Corporation |
Chalkyitsik | Chalkyitsik Native Corporation |
Chicken | Forty-Mile Inc. |
Circle | Danzhit Hanlaii Corporation |
Deacons Landing | Deacons Landing Inc |
Dot Lake | Dot Lake Native Corporation |
Eagle | Hungwitchin Corporation |
Evansville | Evansville Inc. |
Falt | Doratoi Inc. |
Ft. Yukon | Gwitchyaazhee Corporation |
Galena | Gana-a ‘Yoo Limited |
Grayling | Hee-yea Lingde Corporation |
Grouse Creek | Grouse Creek Corporation |
Healy Lake | Mendas Cha-ag Native Corporation |
Holy Cross | Delocheet Inc. |
Hughes | K’oyitl’ots’ina Limited |
Huslia | K’oyitl’ots’ina Limited |
Kaltag | Gana-a’yoo Limited |
Kokrines | Kokrines Ic. |
Koyukuk | Gana-a’yoo Limited |
Manly Hot Springs | Bean Ridge Corporation |
McGrath | MTNT Limited |
Medfra | Medfra Native Council Inc. |
Minto | Seth-de-ya-ah Corporation |
Munchumina | Minchumina Natives Inc. |
Nenana | Toghotthele Corporation |
Nikoli | MTNT Limited |
Northway | Northway Natives Inc. |
Nulato | Gana-a’yoo Limited |
Rampart | Baan-o-yeel kon Corporation |
Ruby | Dineega Corporation |
Shageluk | Zho-Tsa, Inc |
Stevens Village | Dinyea Corporation |
Takotna | MTNT Limited |
Tanacross | Tanacross Inc. |
Tananna | Tozitna Limited |
Telida | MTNT Limited |
Tetlin | Tetlin Indian Reservation |
Venetie | Venetie Indian Reservation |
Wisenak | Wisenak Inc. |
Leading Causes of Death in the Doyon Region
Between 2011-2013, 1,650 people died in the Doyon Region. The top 5 causes of death were:
1) Malignant Neoplasms (398)
2) Diseases of the Heart (310)
3) Unintentional Injuries (169)
4) Cerebrovascular Diseases (84)
5) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (78)