The 5-mile long Healy Lake lies on the course of the Healy River, 29 miles east of Delta Junction. Healy Lake is a mixed Athabascan and non-Native community.
Official Tribal Name: Healy Lake Village
Address: P.O. Box 74090, Fairbanks, AK 997060300
Phone: 907-479-0638
Official Website:
Pronounced: HEE-lee Lake
Traditional Name / Traditional Meaning:
Alternate Names / Spellings: Mendas Cha-ag Tribe
Recognition Status: Federally Recognized
Alaskan Ethnic Group: Indians
Alaskan Native Culture: Healy Lake is a mixed Athabascan and non-Native community.
Alaska Geographical Region:
Alaska Borough / Census Area:
Alaska Native Regional Corporation: Doyon, Limited
Alaska Native Village Corporation: Mendas Cha-ag Native Corporation
Alaska Native Association: Tanana Chiefs Conference, Arctic Athabaskan Council (AAC)
Tribal Council: Healy Lake Village Council
Related Tribes:
Village History:
The town’s inhabitants have been living in the area for more than 11,000 years.
The local name was reported in 1914 by the U.S. Geological Survey.
The People:
Depending on the source, four to a dozen people live in the rural village situated around Healy Lake, southeast of Fairbanks. The 5-mile long Healy Lake lies on the course of the Healy River, 29 miles east of Delta Junction.
Climate and Topography:
The area lies within the continental climatic zone, with cold winters and warm summers. Average temperatures range from -32 to 72 °F.
Transportation Services and Facilities:
Healy Lake Village is accessible by plane or boat in the summer, snowmobile in winter.
Local Governmental Services:
Other Services and Utilities:
Due to declining enrollment, the school closed in 1999.
Employment / Economy:
Subsistance activities are an important part of the local economy. The staples of Athabaskan life are caribou, moose, beaver, rabbits and fish. Athabaskan peoples today continue to enjoy their traditional practices and diet.
Income / Poverty Level:
Clans / Societies:
Tribal Flag:
Tribal Emblem:
Legends / Oral Stories:
People of Note:
In the News:
Further Reading: