Native Village of Eagle


The Native Village of Eagle is on the left bank of the Yukon River, 3 miles east of the City of Eagle, on the Taylor Highway and southeast of the Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve. It is home to the Han Kutchin  Athabascan people. Native Village of Eagle »»

Athabaskan languages spoken in Alaska

The 31 Northern Athabaskan languages are spoken throughout the interior of Alaska.

The differences among Athabaskan languages may be compared to differences among Indo-European languages. Thus, Koyukon and Dena’ina are about as different as French and Spanish, while Koyukon and Gwich’in are as different as English and Italian. Athabaskan languages spoken in Alaska »»

Ahtna Incorporated

Ahtna, Incorporated is one of 13 Alaska Native Regional Corporations established by Congress under terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971. Ahtna Incorporated »»

There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska

There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska and a handful of smaller Indian tribes, which make up one of the three indigenous ethnic groups of Alaska. The other ethnic groups in Alaska are referred to as Eskimos (Inuit in Canada) and Metis. There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska »»