Tsimshian History


At one time the Tsimshian lived on the upper reaches of the Skeena River near present-day Hazelton BC. After a series of disasters befell the people, a prince led a migration away from the cursed land to the coast, where they founded Kitkatla, reputed to be one of the oldest continually inhabited communities on Earth. Tsimshian History »»

Tsimshian Wolf Clans

The Laxgibuu or Laxgyibuu  is the name for the Wolf  Clan (phratry) in the language of the Tsimshian nation of British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska. It is considered the same as identically named clans among the neighboring Gitksan and Nisga’a nations. Tsimshian Wolf Clans »»

Tsimshian Eagle Clans

Laxsgiik, La̱xsgiik or La̱xsgyiik is the name for the Eagle clan (phratry) in the language of the Tsimshian nation of British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska. It is considered analogous or identical to identically named groups among the neighboring Gitksan and Nisga’a nations and also to lineages in the Haida nation. Tsimshian Eagle Clans »»

Sealaska Corporation

Sealaska Corporation has strengthened business with culture since 1972. Sealaska is a Native regional corporation owned by more than 22,000 tribal member shareholders and guided by its traditions of environmental stewardship and positively impacting its communities. It represents the rich heritage of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people. Sealaska Corporation »»

There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska

There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska and a handful of smaller Indian tribes, which make up one of the three indigenous ethnic groups of Alaska. The other ethnic groups in Alaska are referred to as Eskimos (Inuit in Canada) and Metis. There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska »»

Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve

The Metlakatla Indian Community resides on the Annette Island Reserve, the only Native Reservation in Alaska. Congress declared Annette Island a federal Indian reservation in 1891. The Metlakatla voted to opt out of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of the 1970s and retained rights to their land and waters. Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve »»