There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska


There are three major Indian tribes in Alaska and a handful of smaller Indian tribes, which make up one of the three indigenous ethnic groups of Alaska. The other ethnic groups in Alaska are referred to as Eskimos (Inuit in Canada) and Metis.

The Athabaskan Indians are the largest tribe in Alaska, with about 12,000 members.

The Tlingit tribe on the south central coast near Juneau and off shore islands have about 10,000 members.

There are two Haida tribes, which collectively have about 3,000 members. The Haida south of Juneau on off shore islands near Ketchikan number about 1,000 and the Haida who live south of Ketchikan down the Canadian coast and on the Queen Charlotte Islands number another 2,000.

Another coastal tribe related to the Tlingit are the Tsimshian, with about 2,000 members, and the smallest, the Eyak tribe has only about fifty members.

Collectively, these tribes make up the Alaska ethnic group referred to as Indians.

The Athabaskan people have survive for thousands of years in the harshest part of interior Alaska.

The Tlingit tribe is noted for it’s world famous art, particularly intricate ceremonial masks and totem poles. Their national anthem says they were the first people in North America.

The Haida are a coastal people best known for their 70 foot long ocean going canoes made from hollowed out giant red cedar trees. They were once great whale hunters and possessed the navigational skills to explore all the way to southern California.