Tanana Chiefs Conference


Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) organized as Dena’ Nena’ Henash or “Our Land Speaks,” an Alaska Native non-profit corporation charged with advancing Tribal self-determination and enhancing regional Native unity. While Tanana Chiefs Conference was not officially formed until 1962, in 1915 tribal Chiefs from throughout the region banded together to protect their native land rights, an issue that continued after Alaska’s statehood in 1959 and is still relevant today.

The first land dispute came in 1915 when the chiefs organized to successfully protect a burial ground in Nenana from the Alaska Railroad.

Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is a consortium of 42 member tribes in interior Alaska, acting as a non-profit organization for the region by offering a wide array of health and social services to their beneficiaries.

The Full Board of Directors are 42 representatives selected by the village councils of member communities, which meets each spring in Fairbanks during the TCC Annual Convention.

The nine-member Executive Board is elected by the Board of Directors. The president of the Board of Directors is elected by the full board and serves as the chief executive officer of the corporation.

Programs funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Department of Labor and the Alaska Native Health Services are available to tribal governments, and eligible Alaska Native and American Indians. Services financed by the state of Alaska are provided for all residents of the region.

The Village Planning and Development Department consists of a Community Planning Coordinator and a Grants Administrator who are dedicated to providing member Tribes with the tools needed to establish comprehensive community plans, envision their wants and needs, and offers help with writing and submitting grant proposals.

The Fisheries Program works to continually build educational capacity and expertise in fisheries science throughout the TCC region. Goals are to utilize western science and traditional knowledge to enable sustainable fisheries, and to be advocates for fishing and hunting rights throughout the TCC region.Theye strive to accomplish these goals by partnering with other Tribal Organizations, NGO’s, state and federal agencies to better manage, protect, and preserve fisheries resources.

The Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors passed Resolution No. 2013-19 to establish a joint Hunting and Fishing Task Force. The founding resolution called for the Task Force to be a joint effort, unifying the Interior Alaska Native voice. Subsequently, Doyon, Limited, Denakkanaaga, and Fairbanks Native Association all passed partner resolutions supporting the joint Task Force.

The traditional hunting and fishing reinforce the old traditions of the people, including the harvesting and sharing of fish, game, and other resources.  The ceremonies which accompany these practices provide for the social, cultural, spiritual, and economic wellbeing and survival of thes Alaskan Native people and communities.

Land & water are at the very roots of Alaskan Native culture.  Generations in the past depended on these resources for their livelihood and they still do to this day.  With proper management, leadership, and cooperation, TCC hopes to empower many future generations. They continually partner with federal, state, and private organizations and individuals to ensure a vibrant future for all.

Quarterly reports are created to keep Tribal members informed on what the organization is working on and what progress they have made throughout the year.

Tanana Chiefs Conference serves more than 14,000 Alaska Natives in interior Alaska. The Tanana Chiefs Conference region covers an area of 235,000 square miles in interior Alaska, which is equal to about 37 percent of the entire state, and just slightly smaller than the state of Texas.

Within this larger region are six subregions:

  • Lower Yukon Subregion
  • Upper Kuskokwim Subregion
  • Upper Tanana Subregion
  • Yukon Flats Subregion
  • Yukon Koyukuk Subregion
  • Yukon Tanana Subregion

Within these six subregions are 39 villages.

Lower Yukon Subregion

  • Anvik
  • Grayling
  • Holy Cross
  • Shageluk

Upper Kuskokwim Subregion

  • McGrath
  • Nikolai
  • Takotna

Upper Tanana Subregion

  • Dot Lake
  • Eagle
  • Fairbanks (not a Native Village)
  • Healy Lake
  • Northway
  • Tanacross
  • Tetlin
  • Tok (not a Native Village)

Yukon Flats Subregion

  • Arctic Village (See Native Village of Venatie)
  • Beaver
  • Canyon Village
  • Chalkyitsik
  • Circle
  • Fort Yukon
  • Venetie

Yukon-Koyukuk Subregion

  • Galena
  • Huslia
  • Kaltag
  • Koyukuk
  • Nulato
  • Ruby

Yukon-Tanana Subregion

  • Alatna
  • Allakaket
  • Evansville (Bettles Field)
  • Hughes
  • Kaktovik
  • Manley Hot Springs
  • Minto
  • Nenana
  • Rampart
  • Stevens Village
  • Tanana