Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands


St. George is located on the northeast shore of St. George Island, the southern-most of five islands in the Pribilofs.

It lies 47 miles south of St. Paul Island, 750 air miles west of Anchorage and 250 miles northwest of Unalaska. The area encompasses 34.8 sq. miles of land and 147.6 sq. miles of water.

St. Paul is located on a narrow peninsula on the southern tip of St. Paul Island, the largest of five islands in the Pribilofs.

It lies 47 miles north of St. George Island, 240 miles north of the Aleutian Islands, 300 miles west of the photo Alaska mainland, and 750 air miles west of Anchorage. Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands »»