Calista Corporation


Calista Corporation is one of thirteen Alaska Native Regional Corporations created under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) in settlement of aboriginal land claims. Calista was incorporated in Alaska on June 12, 1972.

The Calista Region covers Alaska’s Bethel and Wade Hampton census areas and includes 48 permanent communities and eight seasonally occupied villages, located along the banks of the lower Yukon and the middle and lower Kuskokwim Rivers, Nunivak Island, and the Bering Sea coast from the mouth of the Yukon River, south to Cape Newenham.

Calista Regional Corporation Map

Although the Calista region is in western Alaska, Calista Corporation is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska. Calista is a for-profit corporation with 17,300 Alaska Native shareholders primarily of Yup’ik descent.

The name Calista (worker) is a combination of the Central Alaskan Yup’ik words cali, meaning “to work,” and ista, meaning someone or something which does. The Yup’ik language does not have a word for “corporation.”

Land Holdings

As part of ANCSA, Calista received patent for 4,997,263 acres (20,223.21 km2) from the federal government as well as approximately $80 million, making it the second largest corporation established under ANCSA.

Because of to the importance of the land to the traditional subsistence economies of the region’s Yup’ik residents, including the bulk of Calista’s shareholders, Calista concentrated most of its land selections under ANCSA in the areas surrounding the region’s 56 villages.

Under ANCSA, Calista Corporation also holds subsurface estate correlating to 6.2 million acres (25,000 km2) of surface lands selected by the 46 ANCSA village corporations in the Calista region. Calista’s own entitlement includes 238,000 acres (960 km2) of fee estate lands. Of the lands so far conveyed to the corporation, about half are in areas with high mineral potential or current mineral production. Sand, gravel, and quarry rock also form a significant portion of Calista’s subsurface estate. Calista is encouraging exploration for oil and natural gas resources in the region.

In a land exchange with the federal government, finalized in 2001, some of Calista’s surface land parcels and a portion of its subsurface estate were incorporated into the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, while preserving subsistence hunting and fishing rights.

Calista is also a land owner to subsurface rights from ANCSA, and holds title to the large Donlin Creek gold deposit, which is leased to Barrick Gold and NovaGold Resources.

Calista Business enterprises

Key Calista businesses include oil well services, telecommunication and VoIP services, secure data hosting, cybersecurity, business services, equipment leasing, computer consulting, real estate, environmental consulting, construction, marketing and advertising.

Wholly owned subsidiaries:

  • Brice Companies
  • Brice Environmental
  • Brice Equipment
  • Brice Marine
  • Brown Hills Quarry
  • Calista Real Estate
  • Chiulista Services, Inc. (CSI). Remote site services, food services, temporary employment services, government contracting.
  • E3 Environmental
  • Futaris (formerly Alaska Telecom, Inc.)
  • Sequestered Solutions
  • Solstice Advertising. Advertising and public relations services, including graphic design, web site development, marketing strategy, media buying, and print, interactive, and electronic media.
  • Tunista, Inc. Headquartered in Anchorage. Construction, IT consulting services, base maintenance, facility management, and other service and technical support areas.
  • Tunista Pacific Rim. Headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. Federal government/military small business 8(a) contracting and commercial/private section work throughout the Pacific Rim.
  • Tunista Construction
  • Y-Tech Services
  • Yukon Equipment
  • Yulista Aviation
  • Yulista Management Services, Inc. Headquartered in Anchorage. with Professional and technical services to government agencies, communities, and businesses throughout the U.S., including metrology, rapid prototyping and aerospace engineering, geochemical database design and conversion, and administrative services.

Joint Ventures

  • Ookichista Drilling Services, Inc. Oil well servicing. 20% owner.
  • Nordic-Calista Well Services, Inc. Joint venture with Nordic Well Servicing, Inc. to provide workover, completion and coil tubing services on the North Slope, Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk. 20% interest.
  • JVYS, 51% owned by YMS.
  • Tunista Arctic Rim/TBI Construction LLC. Headquartered in Anchorage. Commercial, light industrial, multi-family, and Arctic construction, primarily in Alaska. 51% owned by Tunista, Inc.
  • Black Brandt, 50% ownership.
  • Brice Sukakkpak, LLC. 50% ownership.
  • Nunalista LLC. 51% ownership.

Calista Shareholders

At incorporation, Calista Corporation enrolled 13,303 Alaska Natives, each of whom received 100 shares of Calista stock. The total number of shareholders has fluctuated since due to transfers through inheritance and gifting of shares, but the total number of shares remain the same. As an ANCSA corporation, Calista Corporation has no publicly traded stock and its shares cannot legally be sold.

Currently, Calista has almost 14,000 shareholders, almost all of whom are Central Alaskan Yup’ik people, and most of whom still speak the Yup’ik language and live a largely subsistence lifestyle of hunting, fishing, and gathering.

All 56 of the Region’s communities are organized into 45 for-profit ANCSA village corporations, each receiving ANCSA surface estate land entitlements.

The village corporations for the communities of Kalskag, Lower Kalskag, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Napaimute, Crooked Creek, Georgetown, Red Devil, Sleetmute and Stony River merged to form The Kuskokwim Corporation.

The village corporations for Nightmute and Umkumiute merged to form Chinuruk, Incorporated.

Native Villages and Native Corporations in the Calista region:

Community Name Corporation Name
Akiachak Akiachak Limited
Akiak Kokarmiut Corporation.
Alakanuk Alakanuk Corporation.
Andereafsky Nerklikmute Native Corporation
Aniak Kuskokwim Corporation. (FF-014813)
Atmautluak Atmauthluak Limited
Bethel Bethel Native Corporation
Bill Moores Slough Kongnikilnomuit Yuita Corporation
Chefornakes Slough Chefarnrmute Inc.
Chevak Chevak Co
Chuloonawik Chuloonawick Corporation
Crooked Creek Kuskokwin Corporation. (FF-014990)
Eek Iqfijouq Co
Emmonak Emmonak Corporation
Georgetown Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014860)
Gold Creek/Susitna Gold Creek/Susitna Native Assoc.
Goodnews Bay Kiutsarak Inc.
Hamilton Nunapiglluraq Corporation
Haycock Haycock Native Group Corporation
Hooper Bay Sea Lion Corporation
Kalskag Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014817)
Kasigluk Kasigluk Inc
Kipnuk Kugkaktilk Limited
Kongiganek Qemirtalek Coast Corporation
Kotlik Kotlik Yupik Corporation
Kwethluk Kwethluk Inc
Kwigillingok Kwik Inc
Lime Village Lime Village Co
Lower Kalskag Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014888)
Marshall Maserculig Inc
Mekoryuk Nima Corporation
Mt. Village Azachorok Inc.
Nagamut Nagamut Limited
Napaimute Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014900)
Napakiak Napakiak Corporation
Napaskiak Napaskiak Inc.
Newtok Newtok Inc.
Nightmute NGTA Inc.
Nunapitchuk Nunapitchuk Limited
Nunivak Nima Corporation
Ohogamiut Ohog Inc
Oscarville Oscarville Native Corporation
Paimiut Paimiut Corporation
Pilot Station Pilot Station Native Corporation
Pitkas Point Pitkas Point Native Corporation
Platinum Arvig Inc.
Quinhagak Qanirtuuq Inc
Red Devil Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014924)
Russion Mission K Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014926)
Russion Mission Y Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014927)
Scammon Bay Askinuk Corporation
Sheldon Point Swan Lake Corporation
Sleetmut Kuskokwim Corporation (FF-014936)
St. Marys St. Marys Native Corporation
Stoney River Kuskokwim Corporation. (FF-014941)
Toksook Bay Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation
Tuluksak Tulkisarmute Inc.
Tuntutuliak Tuntutuliak Land Limited
Tununak Tununrmiut Rinit Corporation
Umkumiute Umkumiute Limited

Leading Causes of Death in the Calista Region

Between 2009-2013, 477 people died in the Calista Region. The top 5 causes of death were:

1) Malignant Neoplasms (86)
2) Diseases of the Heart (79)
3) Unintentional Injuries (71)
4)Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) (48)
5) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (25)