Native Village of Akhiok


Native Village of Akhiok is a federally recognized Alutiiq (Russian-Aleut) village dependent upon fishing and subsistence activities.

Official Tribal Name:  Native Village of Akhiok
Address: P.O. Box 5030, Akhiok, AK 99615
Phone:  (907) 836-2229
Fax: (907)  836-2209
Official Website:

Recognition Status: Federally Recognized

US Culture Region:Subarctic

Alaskan Ethnic Group: Eskimo, Aleut

Alaskan Native Culture: Alutiiq (Russian-Aleut)

Alaska Geographical Region:

Alaska Borough / Census Area:
Alaska Native Regional Corporation: Koniag, Incorporated

Alaska Native Village Corporation:  <Akhiok-Kaguyak Incorporated, 1400 W. Benson Blvd., #425, Anchorage 99503

Agency: Anchorage Agency

Tribal Council: Kodiak Island Inter-Tribal Council

Language: Alutiiq

Location and Climate

Akhiok is located at the southern end of Kodiak Island at Alitak Bay. It lies 80 miles southwest of the City of Kodiak, and 340 miles southwest of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 56.94556° North Latitude and -154.17028° West Longitude. (Sec. 28, T037S, R031W, Seward Meridian.) Akhiok is located in the Kodiak Recording District. The area encompasses 6.8 sq. miles of land and 0.0 sq. miles of water.

The climate of the Kodiak Islands is dominated by a strong marine influence. There is little or no freezing weather, moderate precipitation, and frequent cloud cover and fog. Severe storms are common from December through February. Annual precipitation is 35 inches. Temperatures remain within a narrow range, from 25 to 54.

Across the bay from the village of Akhiok, Alaska
Across the Bay from Akhiok in summer

History, Culture and Demographics

The original village of Kashukugniut was occupied by Russians in the early 19th century. The community was originally a sea otter hunting settlement, located at Humpy Cove. The name Akhiok was reported in the 1880 Census. In 1881, residents relocated to the present site at Alitak Bay. The community’s Russian Orthodox church, Protection of the Theotokos Chapel, was built around 1900 at the site of an earlier structure. A post office was established in 1933. Residents of nearby Kaguyak relocated to Akhiok after the 1964 earthquake and tsunami destroyed their village. The City was incorporated in 1972.

A federally recognized tribe is located in the community — the Native Village of Akhiok; Kodiak Island Inter-Tribal Council. 93.8% of the population are Alaska Native or part Native. Akhiok is an Alutiiq (Russian-Aleut) village dependent upon fishing and subsistence activities.

During the 2000 U.S. Census, there were 34 total housing units, and 9 were vacant. 2 of these vacant housing units are used only seasonally. 30 residents were employed. The unemployment rate at that time was 14.29%, although 47.37% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $33,438, per capita income was $8,472, and 9.89% of residents were living below the poverty level.

Across the bay from the village of Akhiok, Alaska
View from downtown Akhiok

Facilities, Utilities, Schools and Health Care

Water is derived from a dam and reservoir on a small stream, is treated and stored. Akhiok provides a piped gravity water and sewer system that serves all 25 homes in the community. The community is currently boiling its drinking water — a new water source is needed. A new landfill site is under development.

Electricity is provided by City of Akhiok.

There is one school located in the community, attended by 14 students.

Local hospitals or health clinics include Akhiok Health Clinic. Auxiliary health care is provided by Akhiok Village Response Team (Clinic 836-2230); flight to Kodiak or Anchorage.

Across the bay from the village of Akhiok, Alaska
Akhiok in Winter

Economy and Transportation

Public sector employment and seasonal work provide cash flow in the community. Five residents hold commercial fishing permits. Almost all of Akhiok’s residents depend heavily on subsistence fishing and hunting for food supplies. Salmon, crab, shrimp, clams, ducks, seal, deer, rabbit and bear are utilized. The community is interested in developing a fish smokery and cold storage facility.

The city is accessible only by air and water. Regular and charter flights are available from the City of Kodiak. There is a State-owned 3,320′ gravel runway and a seaplane base at Moser Bay, owned by Columbia Ward Fisheries. Barge services are sporadic. A breakwater and boat launch are available, but the existing dock is a temporary structure.