Bering Straits Native Corporation


Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) was formed in 1972 and has approximately 6,300 shareholders. The Bering Strait’s region encompasses the majority of Alaska’s Seward Peninsula and the coastal lands of eastern Norton Sound.

BSNC owns and manages nearly two million acres of subsurface estate of land selected by 17 Village Corporations in the region.

BSNC is headquartered in Nome. Regional operations include real estate management and development, tourism, construction, mining services and sales of rock and aggregate. BSNC also has an office in Anchorage which oversees the company’s government contract work under the SBA’s 8(a), HubZone and small business programs. Anchorage operations also include construction and various support services for commercial clients and shareholder services.

Native Villages and Native Corporations:

Community Name Corporation Name
Brevig Mission Brevig Mission Native Corporation
Council Council Native Corporation
Elim Reserve Elim Native Corporation
King Island King Island Native Corporation
Koyuk Koyuk Native Corporation
Mary’s Igloo Mary’s Igloo Native Corporation
Nome Sitnasuak Native Corporation
Shaktoolik Shaktoolik Native Corporation
Shishmaref Shishmaref Native Corporation
Solomon Solomon Native Corporation
St. Lawrence (Savoonga and Gambell) Elim Native Corporation
St. Michael St. Michael Native Corporation
Stebbins Stebbins Native Corporation
Teller Teller Native Corporation
Unalakleet Unalakleet Native Corporation
Wales Wales Native Corporation
White Mountain White Mountain Native Corporation

Leading causes of death in the Bering Straits Region:

Between 2009-2013,  370 people died in the Bering Straits Region. The top 5 causes of death were:

1) Malignant Neoplasms (86)
2) Diseases of the Heart (80)
3) Unintentional Injuries (39)
4) Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) (38)
5)Cerebrovascular Diseases (21)