Akiachak, Limited Native Corporation


Akiachak, Limited is a native corporation representing the village of Akiachak. Akiachak is located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River in the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, 18 miles (29 km) northeast of Bethel, Alaska.

Akiachak is a Yup’ik Eskimo village with a fishing and subsistence lifestyle. It has a strong traditional community, and was the first city in Alaska to dissolve its city government in favor of the Native village government.

The majority of year-round employment in Akiachak is in education and other public services. The Yupiit School District headquarters are located in the community. Residents rely on seasonal employment such as commercial fishing, construction and BLM fire-fighting.

Seventy residents hold commercial fishing permits, and some work at canneries in Bristol Bay. The community is developing a fish processing facility and freezer.

Subsistence activities provide most food sources. Poor fish returns since 1997 have significantly affected the community.