Denali Borough


The Denali Borough, gateway to Denali National Park, is located 250 miles north of Anchorage, and 110 miles south of Fairbanks. Its borough seat is Healy. As of 2000, the population of the borough was 1,893.

The Denali Borough represents over 12,000 square miles (8.2 million acres) of extraordinary scenic and wild country, the highest mountain on the continent (Mt. McKinley, 20,320 feet), extensive and productive natural resources, and a diverse economy.

The Denali Borough was formed in 1990 and contains four communities, Anderson, Clear, Cantwell, Healy and a number of smaller settlements.

Anderson: is located forty miles north of the Borough seat, the City of Anderson was incorporated in 1962. About 600 people live in Anderson and on Clear Air Force Base, with another 1500 to 2000 spread on the George Park’s Highway from the town of Nenana, 26 miles north to Healy, 40 miles south.

Clear is located 5 miles from Anderson, and employs most of its residents. The entrance to the Clear Air Station is located 3 miles from the main highway and gated for security. The small community known as Clear is located along the George Parks Highway at milepost 280 and encompasses residential homes and businesses.

Cantwell, with a population of 222, is located 40 miles south of the Borough seat.

Healy is the largest community in the Denali Borough with almost 1,000 permanent residents, and is the Borough seat. Healy is located on the George Parks Highway, the Borough’s major north-south highway corridor.

Denali National Park and McKinley Village are seventeen miles south of the Borough seat. There are approximately 200 year-round residents, which reside within a 19-mile stretch of the George Parks Highway. The largest concentration of households is in the Village View Subdivision.