Sealaska Corporation


Sealaska Corporation has strengthened business with culture since 1972. Sealaska is a Native regional corporation owned by more than 22,000 tribal member shareholders and guided by its traditions of environmental stewardship and positively impacting its communities. It represents the rich heritage of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people.

Sealaska is a diverse company with investments in forest products and marking, silviculture and land management, financial investments, fabrication, plastics injection molding and manufacturing, information technology, construction aggregates, environmental remediation and consulting, logistics, construction and security services in Alaska and around the world.

Sealaska is headquartered in Juneau, Alaska and Seattle, Washington. Sealaska tribal member shareholders are primarily Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian descent. Sealaska is the largest private landowner in Southeast Alaska.

The traditional homelands of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people are the forests and coastline of Southeast Alaska, extending from Yakutat on the north to the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia on the south. These traditional homelands represent approximately 22 million acres.

Through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) approximately 675,000 acres remain in Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian ownership.

When ANCSA was approved in 1971, Sealaska enrolled 15,782 shareholders. In 2007, Sealaska shareholders voted and approved to enroll descendants and those who were eligible to enroll in 1971 but were not able to. Today Sealaska represents approximately 22,000 shareholders, making it the largest of the 12 regional corporations.

Through businesses, investments and partnerships, Sealaska provides economic, cultural and social benefits to current and future generations of shareholders.

ANCSA did not provide sovereign rights for Alaska Natives to build economy. Instead under ANCSA for profit corporations were established.

ANCSA Section 7(i) is a provision that requires the 12 regional corporations to share 70 percent of its natural resources development income with the regional corporations. Annually, these revenues are pooled together and then are apportioned back to the regional corporations on a per capita basis. Since inception, Sealaska has paid $306.4 million into the Section 7(i) pool, the most of any Regional Corporation. Some Section 7(i) monies are passed on to shareholders through ANCSA Section 7(i) payments.

Sealaska shareholders own and operate small businesses in cities, towns and villages across the country.

Native Villages and Native Village Corporations in the Sealaska Region:

Community Name Corporation Name
Angoon Kootznoowoo Inc.
Craig Shaan-Seet Inc
Hoonah Huna Totem Corporation
Hydaburg Haida Corporation
Juneau (4 Cities) Goldbelt Inc.
Kake Kake Tribal Corporation
Kassan Kavilco Inc
Klawock Klawaock Heenya Corporation
Klukwan Kukwan Inc.
Knight Island Ganawas Corporation
Saxman Cape Fox Corporation
Sitka Shee Atika Inc.
Yakutat Yak-tat Kwaan Inc.


Leading Causes of Death in the Sealaska Region

Between 2011-2013,  1,369 people died in the Sealaska Region. The top 5 causes of death were:

1) Malignant Neoplasms (370)
2) Diseases of the Heart (278)
3) Unintentional Injuries (134)
4) Cerebrovascular Diseases (69)
5) Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (61)